Janell did a bedskirt post the other day and there was discussion in the comments about how everyone kept theirs from moving around (or not). I said that I would do a post about a solution that works for me, so here goes!

The rug pad is a little bit more of an initial investment than other solutions might be, but I've had it for 5 years and it's still good as new so I'm assuming I'll never really have to change it out. When I'm ready for a new bedskirt I'll just detach this bedskirt, sew or glue velcro to the new one, attach it and call it good.
The rug pad really does want to stick to the mattress, which is the idea, but when you're putting it on for the first time or rotating the mattress it definitely takes two people because the mattress won't slide on the pad. Once it's in place though you're good to go because it's not movin'! It's been the perfect solution for me, so maybe it will be for some of you as well. Nice to have options. :-)