Wednesday, September 30, 2009

DIY Bookcase

I'm thinking that a lot of you may have seen this already, but just in case you haven't I didn't want you to miss out. Crafty Nest made the bookcase that you see above from the drawers that you see below. Love the way her mind works!

Garbo's Closet

"Mauritz Stiller who brought then-19-year-old Greta Gustafson to the United States in 1925. A three-time Oscar nominee, Garbo was given a special 1954 Academy Award for her “unforgettable screen performances.”

*Of her legendary desire for privacy, she remarked in a 1928 interview—one of the few she ever granted—“I wanted to be alone, even as a child. I used to go to a corner and think... Thinking means so much, even to small children.”

I have never seen this picture (above) of Miss Garbo. I was thinking that this could be a model or movie star from a recent film or a fashion mag.

Sometimes my mother will tell me about how she loves this 'movie star' or that 'starlet', I take one look at them and say to myself; "when was ugly pretty?"
In the 1950's, the 40's, 30's ....what was up with physical beauty's standards back then??
Physical beauty does go 'in and out' of fashion .

Greta Garbo is the exception to all the rules.
Classic Beauty.
Then and Now.

I lived in Manhattan from 1974 - 1984 on East 58th. Street.
I walked to and from work on East 58th Street every day. I also walked my Shit-Zu up and down E. 57th, and then down on 1st Ave.
Guess who I saw all the time?
Guess who stopped and talked to me and my little dog when ever she saw me?

That is right! Greta Garbo.

And this is Miss Garbo's Closet

The “closet room.”
*The “closet room,” which Garbo created from a small library, is highlighted by one of the carpets she designed for her 1962 series, Birds in Flight. Over the closet is part of her collection of hats; others are stacked on a carved and painted Russian provincial tea table from circa 1880. Garbo chose the upholstery and drapery fabric, which features African tribal motifs.

Isn't this magnificent ?

*A living room wall adorned with artwork.
For Garbo, color was essential in art and décor, and she surrounded herself with vibrant hues. “I love color,” she once said. “With me it’s inborn. I just know. I didn’t have to learn it.” 

I really can't believe how much I love this place.
I love her artwork, her interior color scheme, and the placement of her art and objects.
To me, it is perfection.

What do you think of Garbo' place ?
Do you likie??

*From Architectural Digest

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom


Ideas para decorar el baño de los niños

Espero que este artículo sirva como una fuente de inspiración para aquellos que buscan decorar el baño de los niños.

La elección del color del cuarto de baño de un niño puede ser complicado. Aunque muchos diseñadores recomiendan tener una base neutral de color blanco y cuadros de los niños que muestren su crecimiento, el cuarto de baño debería tener colores vivos y los temas con personajes preferidos.

He colocado un conjunto de imágenes interesantes que encontré en la red. Echa un vistazo.

Ideas para decorar el baño de los niños

Espero que este artículo sirva como una fuente de inspiración para aquellos que buscan decorar el baño de los niños.

La elección del color del cuarto de baño de un niño puede ser complicado. Aunque muchos diseñadores recomiendan tener una base neutral de color blanco y cuadros de los niños que muestren su crecimiento, el cuarto de baño debería tener colores vivos y los temas con personajes preferidos.

He colocado un conjunto de imágenes interesantes que encontré en la red. Echa un vistazo.

Selección de 10 diseños de dormitorios

He seleccionado una lista de hermosas habitaciones o dormitorios que he visto por la red.
Que tal les parece?

Selección de 10 diseños de dormitorios

He seleccionado una lista de hermosas habitaciones o dormitorios que he visto por la red.
Que tal les parece?