Friday, October 2, 2009

I Am Just Not Feeling It


Sure, he had a beautiful wife, and a baby on the way. It was a brutal murder, by someone who
"I won't even mention the idiots name."

It was clearly a horrible tragedy.

This is the home that Sharon and Roman were living in when the murders took place.
No one has ever moved in it since.
* Candice Bergen lived there before they did.

The day after the murders.

And here he is after his arrest when the child molestation charges was pursued.

It is odd, the La Bianca's were also brutally murdered (by the same group of idiots) the next night, after the Tate Murders.
I do not recall any survivors of  the La Bianca brutal murders giving drugs to a 13 yr old girl and then raping and sodomizing her. HMMMMM ? Do you ?
Did I miss something here ?

Our government's 1st mistake was giving in to all the initial pressure from Hollywood in the first place.
The era in which this all took place was a wild one in so many ways. But that does not excuse this. Does it?
And what of the 'tragedy' for the 13 year old girl ?
I know she is over it, and doesn't want to revisit it.
' The crime' is what this is all about. For a moment, remove the players and just look at the crime. It is a revolting, brutal thing to do to anyone. Ever.
Much less a little girl (or a young boy). How vile can one be to violate an innocent.

I really don't know what can be done now. 
Do You ?
It all seems ridiculous to me.
Roman P. is 75 yrs old now.
Was it because he was rich that he was not left in the slammer ? If is sad.

The whole long story is sad.



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