Use your own imagination.
You can easily generate good ideas on your own, once you put down on paper what exactly you want to achieve. When it comes to decorating any interior space, there is a simple formula I follow. First separate different elements of the entire decorating project on a blank sheet of paper.
Such kind of detailed study will speed up the process of decorating a bedroom easily. his will also save you a lot of money while execution of the project.
- For example it could be in the form of a small list of things you will have such as furniture, wall finishes, carpets, curtains, bed sheets and other linen items, lighting fixtures, indoor plants, interior statues, picture frames, valances, wall hangings, etc.
- When you are ready with such a list you can dig more deeper into detailed description of the particular item from various angles such as it’s price range, color schemes, materials, size.
For example if you have decided to put an interior statue of an “angel girl” on the bed headboard, you can write down it’s specification from the above mentioned parameters.
How large do you want it to be?
Does it have to be of metal? If yes, which one?
How much are you ready to spend on it?
If you decide to sell it afterwards, does it have a market?
How large do you want it to be?
Does it have to be of metal? If yes, which one?
How much are you ready to spend on it?
If you decide to sell it afterwards, does it have a market?