Kitchen backsplashes are commonly placed behind the stove, as well as sometimes over the sink. They are meant to protect the wall behind the stove from getting damaged from the typical splatters that might occur while cooking over the stove. Those that are placed over the sink are meant to protect that wall from water. As kitchen sinks tend to be further away from the wall than bathroom sinks, this is not as necessary.
A bathroom backsplash, however, is very important unless you happen to have a pedestal sink. You need to have something over the plaster wall so that the wall won't get damaged should water splash over the sink and go to the wall. Paint is not enough. Using a ceramic tile backsplash is a nice way to achieve this with a bit of style. You can always use a simple backsplash made of the same material as the sink, but using tile gives you a bit more freedom with the design.

If you are creating a ceramic tile backsplash for the bathroom, you can make it something small and simple, going just two inches up past the level of the sink. But a larger backsplash is possible if you desire. In the kitchen, you want the backsplash to fill in the entire space left behind the stove up to the cabinet above, in most cases. Normally these backsplashes are about the width of the stove. People are more likely to go with kitchen backsplash tile designs, though such designs are sometimes used in the bathroom as well.
Consider looking through design magazines and websites in order to get an idea of just what is possible. Once you see something that you like you will be able to recreate it - or something like it. For more ideas about using backsplashes, see the author's website, as shown in the paragraph below.
Ezra is the owner and webmaster of Decorative-Ceramic-Tile.net. For more on using a ceramic tile backsplash, visit ceramic-tile-backsplash.php.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ezra_Plank
Check out the video below to view authentic moroccan tiles (made in morocco) that would be suitable for a kitchen backsplash.

Gray Moroccan Tile Kitchen Backsplash