Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get the big swatch and take it home...


One of my friends recently asked me to meet her at a flooring store because she was trying to pick out carpet and wanted my opinion. When we arrived, the sales consultant took out the big book of miniature swatches that they had been looking at and they asked which one I would choose. My answer was "none!".

I would never make a final decision on carpeting or paint (or fabric for custom upholstery/window treatments, for that matter) without seeing it in a larger swatch in the room that it would be installed in. I'm sure there may be people that do, but I just think it's too risky.

No matter how sure I may be that I'm in love with it in the store, what I see standing there looking at a miniature swatch under fluorescent lighting is different than what I will see in a larger swatch at home. I think it's a good idea to keep any swatches for a few days and look at them as the light changes throughout the day/evening.

When it comes to paint, I paint a large piece of poster board with at least two coats so that I'm sure I have a better sense of the true color and then move it around the room for a few days to see what I think (that is unless I paint the board and immediately know I hate it - that's definitely happened!)

How about you? Take it home or choose it in the store?

The Pattern Inspiration Linky Party will be up through Thursday night so there's still time for you to link up if you'd like. Thank you to those who already have! It's been fun seeing your inspiration.

images - Traditional Home